Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm Hosting Bookie Brunch Today

Welcome to Bookie Brunch
Come join the discussion!
* Every Sunday*

Today’s host: Chrystal (Snowdrop Dream's of Books) (@snowdropdreams)
Next week’s host: Irena (This Miss Loves To Read) (@MissIrenne)
This week’s discussion open through: Sept 28

Her guests this week:

The question under discussion: 
 Discussion of all things magical within the book world (would like to take time to include ‘Random Magic.’).

Related topics:
Specifically related to Random Magic (if you've read the book) - what was your favourite magical place that Winnie and Henry visit? What made it so magical for you?
Unrelated to Sasha's book - what books would you recommend to those of us in love with the magical world? What type of magic do you gravitate towards the most - spells, enchanting places like Wonderland/Narnia, or magical beings like witches/faeries?

Host Chrystal (Snowdrop Dream's of Books) (@snowdropdreams) says: 
Brunch food/drink: Toast, bacon and apple juice

Random Magic happens to be one of the most fantastical and magical books I've read this year. So many wonderful characters are met along Winnie and Henry's adventures and they visit an abundance of whimsical places. I would have to say my favourite characters in Random Magic are: Winnie, Hypatia and Callie. My favourite scenes are the Garden of the Nine Muses and also the chess game (that reminds me of Alice In Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass). 

And unrelated to Random Magic: I would have to suggest The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa (because she took an exisiting idea of the faerie world and changed it into something much more fantastical with the introduction of actual Fae from and Iron Realm), The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling (if you don't know Harry Potter by now you've been living under a rock - but seriously - great book - so much magic) and Blue by Lou Aronica (an amazing story about a land and it's people who help a family through a tough time). 
Guest: Lucy (Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf) (@MoonlightGleams)
Brunch food/drink: Pancakes, OJ and cafe latte 

Specifically related to Random Magic (if you've read the book):
I would have to say that my favorite magical place that Henry and Winnie visited in Random Magic would have to be when they visited the Garden of the Nine Muses. The colorful and vivid descriptions of this enchanted garden left me wishing I could be there with the characters and see the setting through my own eyes.

Unrelated to Sasha's book:
I would definitely recommend Entwined by Heather Dixon as it is just a wonderful and enchanting novel. A series that I would recommend would be Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins. I would have to say that I the novels that I enjoy most are those with enchanting places that also have some elements of paranormal or magical beings within them. I like both, so why not have them all in the same novel ;)? 
Guest: Pepca (Beyond Strange New Words) (@StrangeNewWords)
Brunch food/drink:
green tea with milk and a bit of sugar
To me the books are magical by default, as they allow me to peek into someone else’s life, be it real or completely made up. The magic of books is that they enable me to see times, places and people I could never see otherwise. Even reading about people and places that are real or at least could be is magical. Then there is a whole different kind of magic, as books introduce us to places and characters that may not exist, yet reading about them brings them to life. Random Magic combines all these kinds of magic – it sends the reader on a turbulent journey from the familiar place and time into the history where you can meet famous historical personages, and then even further, to mythical places and creatures, and the biggest magic of it all is that everything falls together perfectly.

There are many fascinating magical places in Random Magic, but I am terrible with names, so I would need a reread to get this answer right. Nevertheless, my favourite places in Random Magic were the garden of Nine Muses, the Glass city and Baba Yaga’s island. Those places were magical to me both for their appearance, which is very vividly described, and the characters the reader meets there.

It is difficult for me to decide which type of magic I gravitate towards. The best answer is – all of them: spells, enchanting places and magical beings. It all depends on whether I can easily imagine those things through the writing – if I can, then I enjoy each and every one of these features.
There are several books I would recommend to everyone who is drawn to magical things in books: The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge, Circle trilogy by Nora Roberts, Books of Faerie series by Maggie Stiefvater, and naturally, Random Magic
Guest: Aislynn (Stitch Read Cook)(@aislynnt)
Brunch food/drink: 
blueberry pancakes, coffee, bacon and a side of scrambled eggs and toast
Morning Everyone *yawn*  Someone pass the coffee this way?
I haven't had the pleasure of reading Random Magic as of yet - but I am positive I will pick it up at some point!
Who doesn't love magic in a story?
My favorite magical book is The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey.  It's based around some of the traditional fairy tales we all know and love.  As well as some I'd never heard of!  This was the first book in a series - the 6th comes out next month!

I tend to gravitate towards magical books based on fairy tales - or witches.  I also loved Harry Potter, the Chronicles of Narnia - really anything based in the magical worlds is right up my alley.  I like stories that suck me in right from the beginning, that start off with a bang!  Good versus evil - magic versus magic!  A good magical battle is great too - like the one in
Sleeping Beauty with the dragon!  Or the one in The Sword in the Stone where they change into different magical creatures to defeat one another.

Can someone pass some more bacon?
Guest: Monique (The Book Mystress) (@TheBookMystress)
Brunch food/drink:
Morning every one!!! I am having a great time at breakfast this morning, aside from the fact that Aislynn took the last piece of bacon and Chrystal is out getting more OJ, everything is going great!!!

We all got asked to talk about Magic in the book world, now we all know about the magic in books, magical creatures are popping up everywhere, Vampires, Fairies, Witches, all sorts. I am always one to read these types of books but today I am going to talk about a different sort of Magic.

The Magic of bookish people in the book world, and aren’t there some awesome people!!!

When I became a part of the book world about a year ago, I was a young girl who was so against reading it should have been a crime. I have been writing for 12 years now, and last year I decided it was time to start looking into how to take it further, that is when I got my first twitter. I emailed an Aussie Author I found on Google and she introduced me to the magic of hashtags. Naturally I fell in love with twitter, but this was from a hopeful Author’s side.

It’s wasn’t long before my research drew me to the conclusion that if I read more, I would learn more, and there for I would become a better writer. So I started reading and it was not long after that that I feel in love with reading and started my own blog.

My blog has always been my baby, I have seen it go from a tiny one page blog, to becoming what it is now; an awesome blog.

To me that is magic, but something I find more magical and inspirational is musical people, I never fitted in anywhere, my love for music made me feel more alone, the same with a lot of other things I tried.

But book people, i.e. Bloggers, Authors, Editors and Agents all make me feel like I am a part of something, part of a community and that is important to me, the way these people work, is what I consider magic.

So that is my post for the best Breakie ever!!! Can’t wait to hear what the other peeps have to say,
Thanks for the invite Chrystal
-The Book Mystress, xx
Guest: Christina (@christina_622)
Brunch food/drink: Waffles and OJ!

You’re invited! Visitors: Please share your thoughts on the topic in the comments section, so they can be included in the discussion. This is an active discussion though Wednesday, so feel free to stop by again later on.

About: Cute and colorful tote bag, wraps up into small fish for easy carrying on key chain or backpack. Blue.

Details: To win this cute book bag, please leave email info and thoughtful or interesting comment below. A winner will be picked at random. If host and guests agree that a specific visitor comment is substantial, outstanding, or in some other way has particular merit, they can override pick at their discretion.
 International. Through October 21st, 2011, 12 midnight EST.

Bookie Brunch is a weekly meet-up, held every Sunday, where book bloggers can have a cup of tea and chat about a particular bookie question of interest. The discussion is open from Sunday through Wednesday, and you’re welcome to drop by any time to add your opinion or read what other people have to say. This discussion is open as well to general readers or bloggers in a different field, authors, publishers and publicists.

Courtesy guidelines: Thank you for coming! All thoughtful comments will be considered and probably get a response from fellow bloggers. In fact, you’re encouraged to talk about it and share viewpoints or include links to relevant materials. We’d like everyone to have a nice time. Differing viewpoints are just fine, even if strongly expressed, but inflammatory or off-topic comments will be removed.

* Contact Bookie Brunch *
If you’d like to be a host/guest for an upcoming brunch: @StoryWings (StoryWings)
If you’d like to bring goodies for a giveaway: @StoryWings (StoryWings)
If you’d like to suggest a question: @LiederMadchen (Songs and Stories)
If you’d like to browse all Bookie Brunch discussions (Archive): The Fluidity of Time 

What do you think? Please feel free to join the discussion on this week’s question by commenting below.


  1. I thought of another great magical series - the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C Wrede (Dealing with Dragons, Searching for Dragons, Calling on Dragons and Talking to Dragons)

  2. That is great one. One that is sitting on my shelf awaiting the day when I will read it. I have the large book that has all four books in one. :)

  3. Oh nice!! I've had my copies for years and years and years and years... I got them all when they first came out LOL

  4. having a dutch baby and goat rock blend coffee.
    fave RM place would be In Which Henry and Winnie Spend An Awkward Evening With Some Ineffably Stylish But Very Strange Persons - the De Morgue residence - the folks there just tickled me!

    for non-RM place, the magical world of harry potter always comes to the forefront.

  5. btw: this post makes me want to re-read RM!

  6. Great choice! I loved the de Morgues!

    I need to get myself another copy of RM because I gave mine away in a contest when I was unable to obtain a copy from Amazon when my winner was chosen. *sigh*

  7. I would love to read this book!


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