Thursday, September 8, 2011

Book Blogger Hop And Friday Follow

Book Blogger Hop
“Many of us primarily read one genre of books, with others sprinkled in. If authors stopped writing that genre, what genre would you start reading? Or would you give up reading completely if you couldn’t read that genre anymore?”

I used to think that I had a genre that I loved the most, but now that I have a book blog I read a very eclectic mix of books - I would have to say I read more paranormal (adult and YA) and if that somehow diasppeared... I think I would end up reading more dystopian or romance. Weird combo, but those are some of my faves. I read everything so it wouldn't be hard for me to find books to read and develop a new favourite genre. :)

Q. Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story?  If so, which one??

I haven't actually read any books that I've dislike that much to have the villans win. :( 


  1. I love dystopian as well. It's a great genre, and I'm loving this trend that's going on right now XD

    Books of Amber

  2. Hi there, old follower stopping by! :)

    I agree, there are too many genres out there to be exclusively stuck on just one... I would definitely not stop reading if one of them were discontinued!

    You can see my FF answer for this week at the link below-- would love if you stopped by!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  3. We seem to have similar tastes. I tend to find a new favorite genre from time to time, so I'd definitely not stop reading.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. New follower here! Have a happy follow friday!
    Feel free to follow back @

  5. Completely agree after paranormal definitely romance and dystopian!!

    Great post, new follower:D

    My Post

  6. I love to read so, I would probably just find another genre to love!

    My Follow Friday!

  7. There are so many different things to read even if new books in a favorite genre stopped being published. Please come see what I would read.

  8. I don't think it's a weird combo at all. I prefer dystopian, then paranormal, then romance. Eclectic is always a good taste to have though; that way, you appreciate everyone's creativity.

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (new follower)

  9. hey! i'm a follower here! i'm spreading the word about Teen Shiver, a new group of YA authors that have combined together! stop by the Teen Shiver blog and follow us?? :)


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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