Monday, July 18, 2011

This is why I've been MIA

Okay ladies and gentlemen.... besides my auto posts for my blogoversary I was MIA most of the weekend. It was because.......

OWEN arrived! (My sister had him Saturday morning)

I'm officially an AUNT!

He is the cutest little thing ever. Owen Everett Banwell weighed 7lbs 5oz, born July 16 at 9:50AM and he is 21 and a 1/4 inches long. I already love him so freaking much.

Momma and baby Owen

Grandma and little Owen

I'm 3 days old!

Auntie Chrystal and little Owen!



  1. He is actually the cutest newborn I have ever seen! Congratulations to you and your family :)

  2. Aww thanks. My sister is lucky... he's so sweet and quiet. :)

  3. Congrats Auntie Crystal! He's adorable & love the name. Hope mom is doing well :D

  4. Oooooooooo! How precious. My congratulations!

  5. Thanks ladies! Momma and Owen are doing great!

  6. Congrats Chrystal. I became an Aunt for the first time this past Nov and it's been a blast. I hope you enjoy.

  7. Awwww, congratulations to your sister and your family! Owen is so adorably cute! :)

  8. @Sara - it's great isn't it?

    @Liz - Awww thank you! :)

  9. He's so freaking cute!! Tell S & J we said congrats :) Can't wait to see more photos!

  10. @Ais - I know... my heart melts a little every time I see him. :) I'm in love! LOL


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