The Book of Aweseom by Neil Pasricha
Publisher: PenguinPublished: March 1, 2011Pages: 400Received: borrowed from libraryBUY NOW: Amazon| Book Depository
The Book of Awesome presents simple pleasures for a younger, hipper generation. From the smell of gasoline to fixing electronics by smacking them to the extra time you get when the clocks roll back, The Book of Awesome reminds readers of little things that make us smile everyday.Entries include: Old dangerous playground equipment, Wearing underwear just out of the dryer, Being the first table called up for the dinner buffet at a wedding, Watching The Price Is Right when you're home sick, When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one, The first shower you take after not showering for a really long time, When cashiers open up new checkout lanes at the grocery store, Sleeping in new bed sheets, Waiters and waitresses who bring free refills without asking, and hundreds more.Some entries are short and others expand into wonderfully funny and astutely observant essays. As well, there are many photos from award-winning Canadian photographer Sam Javanrouh complementing the text of this "universal high five for humanity."
I actually bought a copy of this book for my brother back in February for his birthday. It seemed like the kind of book he would enjoy. Then he told me some of the things that are AWESOME in this book and I decided that I needed to read it for myself.
This book is just full of great things to think about when life is getting you down. There are always going to be days when things aren't going right for you, but if you can look for that that only little silver lining to your rainy day, then you can smile just a little. It only takes one tiny moment of happiness to change someones mood completely... so look for something AWESOME each day. It's the little things that count!
Some of the things listed in the book brought big smiles to my face and some made me laugh out loud.
-When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one
-Getting your ID checked when you are way over the legal age
-Catching somebody singing in their car and sharing a laugh with them
-When you're right near the end of a book
It's not just the items that Mr. Pasricha chooses to include in his book, but the way he writes about them. It's like he's writing or talking to his best friend - it's written with such humour and so completely easy and fun to read.
This one reminds me so much of what I am like when I get a parcel in the mail (especially books) - I can't wait to open then and usually am tearing into them before I even make it up the stairs to my apartment door.
Slicing open a taped-up box with a set of keys or a pen
Don't worry about finding a knife or a pair of scissors, because MacGyver's in the house.
If you are not sure about reading the book - you can totally go check out the website that actually inspired the book -
This sounds like a fun book - thanks for posting.