Friday, July 8, 2011

1st Blogoversary Party Coming Soon

Monday will mark the one year anniversary of my blog! I'm so excited and cannot believe it's been one year - so to celebrate - I have some goodies planned from then until the end of the month. There will be giveaways, author and blogger interviews, reviews, and guest posts! I hope you'll come by daily to check out what is happening and enter for some of the awesome prizes. And thank you for making me feel so welcome in the blogosphere! 


  1. Happy Blogoversary! I love the button :)

  2. Congrats on the milestone! If there's any left over cupcakes from the celebration, you'll let me know, right?

  3. @Book Vixen - Aww thanks! :)

    @Jackie - Sure thing!

  4. The button turned out awesome!!! I'll put one up on my sidebar :)
    Up to anything exciting this weekend?

  5. Thanks Ais. Just catching up on things I didn't get done last weekend. Probably a lot of blog updating (linking reviews to my challenges and updating ticker bars etc). :)


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