Monday, May 23, 2011

Armchair BEA: And away we go...

I'm a little sad that I didn't really know about BEA sooner. My blog started late July of 2010 and I hadn't really heard a lot about it, but now I am in the know and wish I could be there with all my blogger friends. 

So for this week I will be trying to keep up and blog along with other fellow Armchair BEAers. I'll be sitting in my favourite spot on the loveseat cruled up with a blanket and one or both of my cats. This is my standard reading location.Or sitting in my little reading nook.

I work full time and read pretty much anywhere and anytime that I can - lunches, while eating dinner, before bed - you name it I will try fitting some reading in. I read and review all genres of books for my blog and I hope you will find books that you enjoy while checking out my site. I love reading YA, parnormal, historical romances and mysteries.

I hope to meet some new bloggers and find some great new books to read while participating in Armcair BEA!


  1. hey there, nice pic. glad you found out about this alternative to NY event. we shall have a wonderful time without the hustle and bustle. hope you get to participate in the planned activities. happy reading to you

  2. I totally wish I had a laptop so I could be that comfortable for Armchair BEA! Lol. Anyway, it is nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading more from you this week!

  3. What a great spot to blog in. Oh how i wish I had a wireless router for my net book as I would curl up on my couch to armchair bea.

    I am a pretty new follower to your blog. Its nice to discover another canadian blogger.

  4. Cute kitty pictures! I'm the same way when it comes to fitting reading into my schedule.

  5. @Cindy - Thanks Cindy! My best friend and I are actually hosting a Canada Day Blog Tour if you are interested in signing up. We'll be having giveaways, fun posts etc - we are hoping to get to know more Canadian Bloggers. :)


  6. Sidne, Penelope and Alyce - thanks for stopping by. I'll be hoping around this week for BEA as well. :)

  7. Oh, I love your pictures!

  8. Making new blogging friends is what this week is all about! On behalf of the Armchair BEA organizers, we hope you have a blast this week!

  9. Thanks Michelle! So far I've met a ton of new friends... so mission accomplished!

  10. I know how you feel. GREAT picture.


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