Sunday, February 13, 2011

IMM (24)

In My Mailbox is a regular feature over at The Story Siren.

Blood and ChocolateI received one of the books I had been pining for - Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause - this came from BOOKMOOCH.COM and it was wrapped in the cutest little paper with a bow. 

Blue is for Nightmares (Stolarz Series)And the second book that I received through BOOKMOOCH.COM  was - Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz

If you haven't checked out, you totally should - you list books you are willing to mail to others and you then gain points for giving them away (yes you pay for the shipping) and then you get to use your points you earned to mooch books from other users. Just be wary of shipping prices to the different countries - and you don't have to send out of the country if you don't want to or cannot afford to. This is how I have found some great reads and made some good book friends. 

The New Dead: A Zombie AnthologyAnd from the library, I borrowed, The New Dead which is a Zombie Anthology. It looks really good and has tons of great authors like Max Brooks and Kelley Armstrong. I'm really looking forward to reading this one for the Zombie Challenge I signed up for. I have this fascination with zombies lately.

If any of you have any great zombie book suggestions please leave them in the comments - I'm looking for some great zombie reads this year.  


  1. Great reads! I read Blood and Chocolate a few years ago and enjoyed it. I've heard of Bookmooch but haven't used it. I should look into it further.
    My IMM

  2. I own a copy of Blue is for Nightmares, but I just read until page 60 or so. And don't ask me why, because I don't know hahahahaha

    My IMM

  3. @Alison - I'm looking forward to Blood and Chocolate so much. It's been on my wishlist forever.

    @-petit - A friend recommended Blue is for Nightmares series to me... I hope it's good. :)

  4. Nice paranormal variety! Blood and Chocolate wasn't my most favourite werewolf read but it was not bad. It's been awhile since I've read it... lol.

    Happy Reading Chrystal!! :)

  5. I read Feed my Mira Grant last year and thought it was a great zombie book, you should check it out!

  6. @Midnight Bloom - Hmmm I hope it's better than I've been reading. Guess we will see once I get to it. :)

    @Vampires and Tofu - thanks for the rec - I've added it to my wishlist! :)

  7. Ooooh, I've been wanting to read Blood and Chocolate. I look forward to your review :)


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