Friday, December 3, 2010

Blogger Hop & Follow Friday | Popular Choice & Hobbies

Book Blogger Hop

"What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?"

I haven't come across this situation yet, but I am pretty confident that I would just post an honest review about the book and not worry that it was a "popular" book that everyone loved. If I don't like it, I don't like it, there is no point in faking how you really feel about it. I am sure there are tons of books out there that some people LOVE and others just could not stand it to even finish.

What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby??

 Well reading and reviewing are my biggest hobby right now. I do also love scrapbooking, jewellery making, and gardening (too bad I no longer have a garden - apartment dwelling limits that). I am looking to learn to knit in the new year - I really want to make hats and scarves for people. I just love crafts in general, but READING takes up quite a lot of my time.


  1. Stopping by on the blog hop! New follower here! I am into crafts also (when I'm not lost in a book).

    Happy Reading!

  2. Old follower. I wish I were that crafty. I want to learn how to knit! I have friends that are always making little slippers, hats, scarves, etc., and I can't make anything :(

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hopping through. I love the idea of gardening, but I don't usually end up doing much of it.
    My Hop

  4. thanks for stopping by everyone! Just hopping on over to your blogs now!

  5. Hi There!
    I'm an old follower just hopping through! Hope you have a great weeekend!

  6. oh I love gardening. I can't believe I forgot to mention that in my hobbies list.
    New follower.

  7. Hi! I'm your newest follower from a weekend blog hop! I would love to have you follow back at one or all four of my blogs :)

    Thank you! Have a wonderful week!


I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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