Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010

Well today begins NaNoWriMo and my very first attempt at writing anything. I am both excited and terrified at the prospect of trying to write 50,000 words in one month. I have had a few ideas and until today I hadn't decided on which one to try going with. 

But with the wise words of Margaret Stohl from the Smart Chicks Kick It Tour stop in Canada - "Write the worst book you could ever write, just get it down on paper. Then you will have accomplished writing your first book." (It wasn't exactly those words, but I do remember her saying to write the worst book ever and then you are officially a writer.)

So I will try and write the worst book I can and go from there. *cross your fingers* This is where I will find out if I should stick to reviewing books or try writing for real.


  1. I signed up too!! I'm going to get this story down I have in my head.. the one I told you about :)

  2. @Ais - I think your story sounds awesome and could be published if you tried. :) Oh and I love the idea of helping each other stay motivated for NaNo. I'll try to be on MSN at some point everynight if I can.


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