Tuesday, November 9, 2010

IMM (12) Early I know... I couldn't wait!

I am beyond excited today! I received a book in the mail from Penguin Group Canada that I won from LibraryThing Early Reviewers. It is an Uncorrected Proof Copy - it's being released November 23, 2010. The best part is that I also received a letter with it asking me to register my book blog with them to be a part of their Bloggers & Book Network! I hope they accept me. I plan to read this book right away at get a review up. It sounds great - click the book image to see what it is all about. There is also a really great video interview with the author Dawn French... she is hilarious... you must go watch it.

*happy dance*


  1. *doing the happy dance with ya* Way to go! I hope you get accepted too! Enjoy your book.

  2. @Nely - I am so excited! I can't believe how far my blog has come in such a short time.

  3. I just really like the title, "A Tiny Bit Marvellous." I hope you love the actual book even more!

  4. @Katie - it sounds really good. I hope I like it too.

  5. I'm reading this book now - it was released a couple of weeks ago over here. I love Dawn French, she's such a funny lady. Hope you enjoy the book.

  6. @Katie Edwards - she seems really funnny after watching that video. Very witty!

  7. Congrats on getting it! Sounds cute! Hope you enjoy it! Here is my IMM: http://nikkibrandyberry.wordpress.com/2010/11/13/in-my-mailbox-kinda-7-2/


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