Saturday, October 30, 2010

Book Blogger Hop and Follow My Blog Friday

If you have, or would have a daughter, what book would you want yourdaughter to read?

 I would have to go with The Babysitter's Club Series as she first starts reading and then onto great books like The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa, Ironside/Tithe by Holly Black, and well pretty much a lot of the YA books I have been reading (depending on her age at the time).

Book Blogger Hop

"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"

 I would have to go with either an ereader of some sorts (still haven't decided which one I want yet) or to pimp out a room in my future house to be a beautiful library with bookcases to the ceiling, full of classics, ARCs, everything - including little trinkets and framed items from authors. I can imagine it now and oh what a room it will be. I've already begged my boyfriend that when we buy a house in a few years to let me have a little library room in it. :) 


  1. Hi, apparently I already follow you. I do lose track. But I thought I would say hi and that I am also a kitty mom. I have four now, but through my life have had another 7 cats who have unfortunately gone on to the rainbow bridge of popular hope. Stop by: Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm not a follower of yours now too. :D
    I also completely agree that a mini library would be amazing. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! A library would be awesome and I'm hoping for a Kindle this Christmas!

  4. Just hoppin' on by to say "Hi!" Already a follower. =)
    Have a fangtastic Halloween!

  5. Hopping by to say thanx for following


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