Monday, September 6, 2010

IMM (4)

In My Mailbox (IMM) - created by The Story Siren

This past week I did not receive any books in the mail, nor did I purcahse any.

I have a very large TBR pile at the moment (I have an obsession with books and will pick up handfuls at a time and not catch up with the reading). So the plan is to get caught up as quick as I can before buying anymore... but that does not mean there won't be books still coming in the mail this coming week.

I won some contests and mooched some books from


  1. Here's hoping that you'll be able to read some of your tbr pile then! I'm pretty much the same as you, will pick up a pile of books and then have to leave them for a year (or more). Hope you have fun reading this week! :)

  2. I do that all the time. I buy handfuls at a time, yet have to put them on the TBR piles. Though I do love looking at all the pretty books on my shelves. :)


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