Saturday, July 14, 2018

Unhauling! Letting go...


I'll admit it... I love the look of so many books piled on my bookshelf. BUT... I think it's time I cull a ton. It makes me sad, but at the same time it's overwhelming to have so many on my shelf that are unread or that I don't plan to reread - ever. So I've decided to just cull them all. I'll be slowly donating books to the Little Free Library near my mother in law's house and maybe even boxing some up to donate to the library book sale.

So many books that I wanted to read at the time, but either don't feel the same about anymore or don't think I'll ever get to. And I think I only want to keep those that I loved, want to reread or will for sure get to in the next 2 years. That seems like a good time frame. Even review books that I was once interested in, but now so much time has passed that I'm just not feeling them - best to pass along to someone who will enjoy them!

Netgalley - cull out ones I'll never get to - DNF the ones I'm no longer interested in. And stop requesting so many books on there. Only a few at a time... I can eventually get books from the library if I'm still interested in the titles.

Have you ever done this? Did you feel guilty for culling unread books or did you feel relief? I'm hoping it helps me deal with my blogger shame of having so many older review books that I just never got to.

EDIT: I didn't know that unhauling was a thing, but I do it often. Who knew? I'm new to watching BookTube and love BooksandLala and that's where I learned about unhauling books. 

UPDATE: I unhauled 46 books from my shelves. I still need to do the ebooks, but I'm not in such a hurry for those as they are not taking up physical space.


  1. Good job with the unhaul! I've done this a LOT in the past and I find I'm at the place where I really want to read everything I own, or at least try everything. I've gotten quite strict about putting a book in my donate pile if I just can't get into it or don't like the reading experience, too.

    1. I'm trying to not add too many to my shelves until I've read or unhauled some. So hard to do!


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