Sunday, February 25, 2018

Library Lovers | Book Tag

I found this tag over at The Darlings Diary and since I love a good book tag and it's about libraries, I couldn't pass it up. Join in if you're up to another tag.

1. How often do you visit your local library?

For years, I only went once a month. But then I started going almost weekly. Once our baby arrived I started going once or twice a week so get books for both of us and to enjoy some of the activities there. Now that my maternity leave is over, I think we're back to once a month again.

2. Are you the type of person who checks out more books than you know you can read or are you someone who only checks out the exact amount of books you intend on reading before they are due?

I do both. Sometimes I will only grab one or two books, and other times I bring home armloads and end up having to renew multiple times to ensure I can read them all. Once in a while books get returned unread, but are added to my wishlist to grab again another time. 

3. How old were you when you got your first library card?

I can't quite remember, but I feel like it was somewhere between 7 and 10. I know my Mom would take us every weekend to get books, but I feel like I only get my own card when I was a little older (and that means my siblings would have gotten theirs at the same time so they would have started even younger then I did). 

SIDE NOTE: One of the first things I did with our new baby was to get her her very own library card - she's almost 20 months old now and she's had her own card since about 4 months old. We check out all of her picture books with her card and she carries them in her own bag. She loves the library almost as much as I do. 

4. Do you go to your library looking for a particular book or do you check out anything that peaks your interest?

Both. Sometimes I go just to get a very specific book and other times I just wander around until something jumps at me. If it's to get the one specific book, I usually reserve ahead and just pop in to grab it from the pick up area, but if I have extra time on my hands I will wander aimlessly until I find a book or two that grabs my attention. I love checking out their displays to see what's new or recommended by their staff.

5. Do you use your library to check out just books or do you also check out DVDs, audiobooks, etc? 

I use the library for books, DVDs, audiobooks (both CD version and Overdrive loans), and now they even have museum passes and bikes to borrow!  Lately, I've been using Overdrive for audiobooks A LOT. It's the perfect way to access my library during my busy work week.

6. From what section of your library do you check out the majority of your books? (YA, middle grade, adult, nonficiton.)

I actually check out books from all areas/genres - from picture books to share with my toddler to YA and from romances to cookbooks. I just love books!

7. What is your favourite part of using your local library? 

I actually wrote a post about this back in October for Ontario Library Week - pretty much access to free books, the fun activities they have for children, and the different ways they help people find great books to read (Blind Date with a Book, Graffiti in the Margins, setting up displays for different topics each month). They also have a great sense of humour.

For all of my library loving friends, I hope you'll do this tag and leave a link in the comments so I can come back and check your post!


  1. I've only recently started going to the library weekly again myself after a couple of years of hardly going at all. I also got my first library card pretty young, do a mix of getting enough books and too many, and pick up books I've gone for and books I pick up at random. The books I pick up by chance are one of my favorite parts of going again :)

    1. Finding random reads is a great part of library love. I have found many a wonderful story that way. Glad you are getting back to visiting the library more often.


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