Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: 5 Authors I've Met And 5 Authors I Want To Meet


5 Authors I've Met

I've met more than these five authors, but these are my top authors! 
Courtney Summers - I met her at a book signing in Belleville for YA Apocalypse Tour.
Lesley Livingston - Met her three times! At her book launch in Toronto for Once Every Never, again in Belleville for YA Apocalypse Tour and at an Ontario Blogger Meet Up.
Kathy Reichs - Met her at a book signing in Toronto.

5 Authors I want to Meet

JK Rowling - Is there even a need to write the reason? Harry Potter. Enough said!
Rainbow Rowell - Ditto. It's Rainbow Rowell. Love all of her books.
Genevieve Graham - One of my fave Canadian authors that I haven't met yet!
Jackson Pearce - She is hilarious... check out her Instagram account.
Ernest Cline - Three words... READY PLAYER ONE!

Who have you met or who have you wanted to meet forever?


  1. You have so many great authors on your list! I've met Kelley Armstrong and Jackson Pearce. They were both wonderful.

    1. Kelley is great. I'm sure I'll see her again as she has been to events in my town. I've just not been able to attend as it always falls over our wedding anniversary weekend and we're usually on a trip. LOL

  2. I met Rainbow Rowell briefly at a book signing and she was wonderful and super funny. I hope you get to meet her some day too!

    1. That's awesome! I really hope to meet her one day. I just love her writing.


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