Thursday, August 25, 2016

Book Buying Ban

I'm in serious need of a book buying ban for both myself and my daughter. I have so many books on my shelves and in her baby room that need to be read that I cannot justify buying any more books (unless I have a gift card or someone buys me one as a gift).

Seriously - the baby now has over 60 books in her collection. Crazy! But I keep seeing more that I want her to have. Perhaps after we've read some and she no longer shows interest, I'll swap some out for newer titles. Right now she is really to young to understand any of them, so it should be easy to stop buying for her.

I currently have 26 books for review and 120 on my to be read shelf that are not review books. And 81 on my wishlist. Really 81 books that I want to add to the chaos that is my bookshelves?!? Crazy! I even have books in storage containers because they won't fit on my shelves.

Wish me luck on my buying ban. I really want to take a bite out of the piles I have for review and on my TBR pile. 


  1. Good luck on your buying ban!! It's SO HARD not to collect books omg. But your daughter is so lucky that you're already building her a library. :') Raising the next generation of rabid bookworms! HUZZAH!

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. It is super hard. So far so good though. Not sure how long I'll keep the ban in place, but I really need to make a dent in my TBR pile.

      I started buying books for her when I first found out I was pregnant, because I want to instill the love of reading at a young age. It's important to both my husband and I. :)

      Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a huge fan of yours!


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