Saturday, May 16, 2015

Writing notes in books aka graffiti?

Some of you may have noticed my new love for my local library and the interesting things they have been coming up with (ie/ blind date with a book and the local author showcase). I found another extremely interesting yet touchy topic on their website and in the local paper: Graffiti in the Margins!

I remember as a student in high school seeing so many people having written in books, underlining sections they wanted to remember and then thinking, "How could you do that to a book?" See the exmaple below of an old school book I found at my parents house (I think one of my siblings had to read it for school at some point and it never got returned?!?). 

After reading the article about why they are starting this new project (which was inspired by the book Life by Committee by Corey Ann Haydu - which I still need to read and have since added to my reservation pile at the library), I have to say I am intrigued. I'm a big believer in sticky notes to mark pages and I've recently started dog earring pages (the horror), so why not write in the margins your thoughts and feelings while reading a book? I'm not sure I can bring myself to try it yet, though I was tempted while reading If You Feel Too Much by Jamie Tworkowski since it had so many great quotes I wanted to remember and things I wanted to look up. I'm still torn on going back through the book and highlighting quotes and writing notes, but perhaps sticky notes will be all I can manage at the moment.

I kind of like the idea of being able to read what others were thinking while reading the same book. "The marked up books provide two different reading experiences, the original text, and that of the previous reader." -source 

PS I also like that they are starting with ARCs to see how the project goes. I just might have to give it a go and write a post about my thoughts on reading a book that someone else already wrote in and my thoughts on adding to the graffiti!
Sidenote: In my text books in college I did highlight like a mad woman. So much to learn and so little time. And I still have some of those texts kicking around somewhere. But I don't think this counts.

So my question to you is.... have you ever written in the margins of a book? Could you ever bring yourself to do it? Would you be willing to read a book that someone else has written in?


  1. This is a great topic. I have only ever written in the margins of books for school, and even then it was painful for me! I actually wouldn't mind reading a book with writing in the margins, especially if they have insightful points!

    My Blog

    1. I will definitely write up a post with pictures when I get my hands on one from my library.

  2. I haven't ever written in a book but I do enjoy reading margin notes when I find them.

    1. I'm going to borrow one from the library and see what others have written, not sure I can write in one myself but it might be fun to see what others think,

  3. What a great idea! I think leaving a sticky notes with comments and quotes on books is an amazing way to share thoughts and insight.

    1. I think the sticky note idea might be more my style than actually writing in a book. ;)

  4. Oh My Gosh Yes! Writing in books is an abomination! Sacrilegious I say! My husband writes in books... drives me crazy! If it's a book I really want to read... I buy my own copy... So no reading a book with writing in it... is a no. If I need to make notes, I use sticky notes.

    1. What kinds of things does your husband write in the books? Notes, thoughts or is it more highlighting things he wants to remember? Do you just find it distracting? I am a big fan of post it flags and sticky notes!

  5. I'm big on using sticky notes, but sometimes I wonder why I don't just go ahead and write in my books more. This sounds like a great way to ease in - at least you know it actually serves a good purpose!

    1. Shannon - I'm torn about it too. For now I'll stick to my sticky notes, but I'm going to pick up a book from the library to see what it's like... not sure that I'll write in one, but I'm curious what kinds of notes other will leave. :)


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