Friday, July 4, 2014

Carrier by Anne Tibbets | Review & Giveaway

Carrier (The Line #1) by Anne Tibbets
Published: June 16, 2014
Publisher: Carina Press
Pages: ebook
Find the book: Amazon | B&N | Goodreads

Twenty-two -year-old Naya has spent nearly half her life as a sex slave in a government institution called The Line. When she’s kicked out after getting pregnant with twins, she’s got no way to earn a living and a horrifying choice to make: find someone to replace her, or have her babies taken in her stead.

A doctor with a history of aiding ex-Line girls, Ric Bennett, wants to help. He runs a team of rebels that can delete Naya’s records and free her forever. But when The Line sniffs out his plan, things get bloody, fast. Naya means more to them than just a chance at fresh faces—her twins are part of the government’s larger plan.

As they hide from government search parties, Ric comes to admire Naya’s quiet strength. And Naya realizes Ric might be a man she can trust. If they make it off the grid, they could build a new life. But first they’ll have to survive the long, vicious reach of The Line.

I loved the idea of reading a dystopian new adult book that had a uniqueness to it. I know that some are saying this is reminiscent of The Hunger Games or Divergent (which I still need to read). And I guess there are some aspects of it that remind of my HG, but not completely. Yes they are still in sections and controlled by higher ups (the Auberge), but honestly the main theme of the book has to deal with The Line where girls are made into sex workers and there is an underlying reason that the Auberge created The Line.

I think Ms. Tibbets did a great job of making her book its' own and not a clone of something else. I enjoyed the setting, the back story and the characters. Naya is a strong young woman who has had to harden herself to the world as she's never really been outside of The Line since she was thirteen. She's a little naive with how the outside world works, but also puts up walls to keep the world out. I like the development of her character and look forward to seeing her grow in this series.

I really liked Sonya and Doc as well. Sonya is a fun and sassy ex-Line worker and thief. She has a rebelliousness about her, yet has an easy going attitude that helps Naya out. Doc seems to care so much for their goals of helping The Line girls out and making a difference in their world. He wants to end the reign of The Auberge.

Funny enough that the Auberge has everyone held behind walls and split into sectors, but when you look at the name she chose for the organization - it means INN in French. Ironic? Inn's are supposed to be welcoming and make you feel comfortable as if you were in your own home, but The Auberge is far from it.

I loved how the group works so hard to keep Naya safe and ends up changing plans on the fly. I am really looking forward to book two, so I can see what happens to them all and watch them take down The Auberge. There wasn't really a cliffhanger ending, more like an easing into the next book or an invitation to read more. I wasn't left frustrated like I am with hardcore cliffhangers.

About the Author:
Anne Tibbets is an SCBWI award-winning and Best Selling author. After writing for Children’s television, Anne found her way to young/new adult fiction by following what she loves: books, strong female characters, twisted family dynamics, magic, sword fights, quick moving plots, and ferocious and cuddly animals.

Along with CARRIER, Anne is also the author of the young adult fantasy novella, THE BEAST CALL and the young adult contemporary, SHUT UP.

Anne divides her time between writing, her family, and three furry creatures that she secretly believes are plotting her assassination.

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  1. I love how harsh and un-sugar coated this sounds! I'm all for this kind of work in a dystopian that makes you really feel horrified by the way they live. Also good point about the Inn thing - kind of makes it a bit more creepy! Great review, Chrystal!

  2. I agree with Giselle - this does sound like a change from some dystopia novels where you never get a sense of actual horror at what's happening to them. Just from this summary, I was creeped out by this world!

    1. It is interesting to finally see this for sure.


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