Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New Look

I had the urge to update the look of the blog, so what do you think of it?

I didn't change everything - just the header, the button and the background to match. Everything else is still the same. I wanted something a little simpler, yet still me. So I went with grey and a hint of the aqua and pink that I had previously.

I forgot to take a screenshot (no surprise there), so here are the original images so you can compare the changes.


  1. I really like the new header its got a more lost in the woods vibe. Nicely done!

    1. Thanks Tabitha. I've decided I like it too and am going to stick with this new look. I liked the other one I made three years ago, but it was time for a change. :)

  2. The new header is really nice. It's a subtle change, but one that looks good.


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