Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

1. I love putting my book related thoughts out into the world. I like knowing I'm not alone in liking certain books and sharing my thoughts with like minded others. I know that I can share my thoughts right on Amazon and Goodreads, but to me it's not the same as having your own little piece of the internet and being able to say whatever you want.

2. Book blogging is a great hobby - it combines my loves of reading and the internet. I spend a lot of time online, so it's only natural that I have a blog to express my thoughts and perhaps to justify all the time I spend online?!? Right?

3. I think blogging about books helps you to connect with people that you might not have ever had the chance to meet. I have spoken online with book bloggers from around the world. I find it fascinating to see what books we have in common and to find that next great read. I have met up with many local bloggers at different events, but there's nothing like having an online chat with someone from Australia or Brazil. Reading is a great common ground.

4. I like to think that it helps me be a little more creative in my day to day - whether it be with designing new graphics for my posts/blog or getting my thoughts written out. It's all creativity coming together to create a beautiful place to visit and keeps your mind working.

5. Being able to talk to authors that I love. I think the book blogging community as a whole is pretty amazing, but it stills boggles my mind how amazing it is to communicate with authors via twitter and facebook. I still get a little fangirl when I have the chance to interview an author I love or have them guest post on my blog. 

6. I think being a book blogger is a great way to find out about books. I know that libraries and bookstores showcase all the newest books out there, but I find there is nothing better than reading a review by a fellow book lover and being able to pick their brain about why they loved such and such character, what did and didn't work in the plot, etc. I know that I've found many more wonderful books this way versus just walking into a bookstore/library.

Well it's not ten items, but I think these are great reasons so being a book blogger/reader.


  1. Totally agree with all of your points. There are so many positives about being a book blogger that a lot of people probably don't think about. I also love the creative aspect of blogging and the community. We're not alone in our obsession with all things bookish and that's great to know! :)

    1. I love that we are not alone. So much fun when you can share your obsession. ;)

  2. haha mine was only 8 too and then I was not feeling creative anymore to make it 10 >.< But great list! I've found SO Many new books since i started blogging that I would not have otherwise. Goodreads is a good source too but sometimes you look things over that you don,T when the whole community is talking about it you know.

    1. HAHA... I kinda gave up at 8, couldn't think of anything else without repeats. And ya that is true about the community and finding new books to read.

  3. I found more and more that your #4 is coming true for me. I'm working hard at creating a blog that's creative and something that I really enjoy. I'm not the most coding advanced at all, but it's fun to play around with things. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. :)

    1. That's awesome. :) And thanks for stopping by my blog too.


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