Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Five (1): The one with Harry Potter spin-offs, 50 pages or bust and Four Seconds To Lose.

The first time I had ever seen a Friday Five list was on Sarah Dessen's blog. When I had a livejournal account I pretty much did a Friday Five post every week about five random things that happened to me. But this time I'm going to list five awesome bookish things I learned during the week. So a big thanks to Sarah Dessen for inspiring this version of a Friday Five!

1. The local librarian at my small county library writes a weekly post in the newspaper and one article caught my eye a few weeks ago about the 50 Page Rule - I jotted down the info and just finally looked it up. It's Nancy Pearl's Rule of 50 - pretty much give a book 50 pages and by then you should know if you are enjoying this book or not. It's worth a read and I think I will be using this rule going forward.

2. Canadian author, K.A. Tucker, releases cover reveal for Four Seconds To Lose - the third book in the Ten Tiny Breaths series. It's sent to release the ebook version on November 4, 2013 by Atria Books.

3. J.K. Rowling announces that she will be writing the screenplay for a Harry Potter spin-off. "The new film will feature Newt Scamander, the fictional author of the textbook Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, owned by Harry Potter at Hogwarts school."- BBC News

4. Oyster - dubbed Netflix for Books! I keep seeing this site mentioned all over the blogosphere, but as I do not own an iPhones or iPods, I doubt I will be giving this a go yet. But if you want more details about this new site - check out my dear friend Brianna's post about it over at The Book Vixen.

5. Shakespeare retellings - good or bad? - Margaret Atwood has signed up to write a retelling of Shakespeare's The Tempest, while Howard Jacobson will be working with The Merchant of Venice, Jeanette Winterson will be retelling The Winter's Tale and Anne Tyler with The Taming of the Shrew. Now we wait for an author to sign up for retelling one of the great tragedies. -The Guardian

What do you think of my Friday Five post?


  1. I like your Friday Five post!

    I don't have a rule as far as page numbers go before DNFing a book. If I'm not feeling a book, I DNF it. It could be at 5%, 30%, or even 65% in.

    Oyster has got to make a Droid app if they are to have any success with their subscription based service. And a bigger romance selection, stuff not available at my local library in order to make it worth my while and money.

    1. Thanks Brianna! I had a hard time before with DNFing books. I think 50 pages is a good amount, but you are right - if I don't like a book enough to even try to make it that far then why should I continue? :)

      And Oyster would be amazing if they did a Droid app - I would get it for my phone and my tablet. :)

    2. I used to find it hard to DNF a book but then my TBR pile became a mountain. So many books, so little time, and all that. Now, if a book isn't grabbing me, I gotta let it go. My mantra is this: There's a book for everyone but not everyone will like the same book. Now, I have no qualms about DNFing a book.

  2. Love the post!

    Oyster looks like it might be good. I hope they open it up to Canada. It's only for the US so far.

    I don't use a set rule for DNF'ing, basically if I don't care to continue or pick the book back up, then I DNF it, regardless of what page I'm on.

    1. Thanks Sarah. And yes I hope they open it up to Canada AND make a Droid version. *crossing fingers*


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