Thursday, August 1, 2013

Personal Reading Challenge: August 2013

This is my Personal Reading Challenge where I have vowed to read for my own pleasure. I plan to read one YA title, one Classic, one Fiction, one Non-Fiction, one book from the 1001 Book To Read Before You Die list, and listen one audiobook each month. At the start of each month I will post my choices for each category and link up to the reviews for each as I go. This will help me get through my large TBR pile, allow me to be accountable somewhere and keep me on target. Even though I am behind on this goal... I will still be reading all of the books I've listed each month. I had hoped to read them within the month I picked them, but life got in the way. My new goal is to read them all by year end, but to still make a monthly goal with new books added. 

I think next year I will do something similar to About Happy Books' - Reading Next Piles or Fiktshun's  My Reading Pile. I had predetermind these books months in advance and have fallen way behind. I think just picking a random pile of eclectic books in the new year at the start of each month or a random pile of books to read through at my own leisure sounds like a better idea.

So here are August's picks!

YA - Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green
Classic - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Fiction - Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
Non-Fiction - Big Miracle by Tom Rose
1001 - Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Audiobook - Flash and Bones by Kathy Reichs

Previous Months:

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