Saturday, August 10, 2013

A to Z Bookish Survey (Thanks Jamie!)

This A to Z Survey was created and hosted by Jamie of The Perpetual Page-Turner.

Author you’ve read the most books from:
When I was growing up
I read all of the Baby-Sitter's Club books by Ann M. Martin.

As and adult, I would say Laurell K. Hamilton (the Anita Blake Series - almost caught up too).

Best Sequel Ever:
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Currently Reading:
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

Drink of Choice While Reading: 
Coke or water.

 E-reader or Physical Book?
Both? I love holding a physical book in my hands, but sometimes my e-reader is more convenient to bring places (so many books in one small gadget). 

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:  
I don't think I've read a book yet that has had a character representing a guy I'd have dated in high school.
But I think I wish that I had have dated someone like Cricket from Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins or Fenn from Starling by Lesley Livingston.

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:  
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker (review coming next week) 

Hidden Gem Book: 

Owlet by Emma Michaels

Important Moment In Your Reading Life:  
Getting back into reading because of my Mom. She found Harry Potter and then Twilight. I had still been reading, but not as much as I did once she introduced me to these books. She was so in love with both series and I'd actually call her a Twihard. Her enthusiasm was contagious. I sometimes wonder what new books she would send my way if she were still here. I miss her.

Just Finished:  
Love Overdue by Pamela Morsi

 Kinds of Books You Won't Read: 
I'm not into erotica - I do like slightly smutty, but not the extreme of erotica (though I am going to try Fifty Shades of Grey - we will see what I think once I finally break into the book - though it's been sitting on my shelf for months).

Longest Book You've Ever Read:   
The Witching Hour by Anne Rice (1,207 pages)

Major Book Hangover Because of:  
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
 (only because I stayed up way too late reading until I got to the end and was exhausted)

Number of Bookcases You Own:  
Only two right now. One really tall one and one small one. And I have books in the drawers of a dresser, on my desk and nightstand. 

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:  
Lord of the Flies by William Golding and The Kadin by Bertrice Small

Preferred Place To Read: 
In bed!
 Quote That Inspires You/Gives You All The From A Book You've Read:
“Just breathe. Ten tiny breaths … Seize them. Feel them. Love them.”
K.A. Tucker, Ten Tiny Breaths

  Reading Regret: 
Forcing myself to read books just to finish them. I had a hard time putting books down when they just aren't doing it for me. I had a personal agenda to finish every book I picked up, but I'm over that now as there are way too many books out there and not all will be to my liking.

 Series You Started And Need to Finish 
(all books are out in this series):  
I have quite a few... but the one jumping at me right now is The Goddess Test Series.

Three of Your All Time Favourite Books: 

 Unapologetic Fangirl For:  
Bertrice Small, Laurell K. Hamilton and Ally Carter

 Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others: 
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins (love these books)!

Worst Bookish Habit:  
Reading more than one book at a time.

X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:  
YA bookcase: Once A Witch by Carolyn MacCullough 
Adult bookcase: Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich

Your Latest Book Purchase:  
Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Zzz-snatcher Book (last book that kept you up WAY too late):
Love Overdue by Pamela Morsi


  1. Oh, the Baby-sitter's club! I've probably read more of those than any other as well! How I loved them growing up. I have a feeling Cricket and Isla are going to be common answers in this survey. I picked Cricket but Longbourn for the book I can't wait for. I love what you said about your mom. So sweet. *hugs* I also hear you about *having* to finish a book. I'm still like that but I need to get over it. I just don't want to miss out on something that could get better! Sigh. Also, The Happiness Project is such a good read! I was surprised by it when I read it but I really enjoyed it.

  2. Kaley! Thanks for stopping by. We have a lot in common apparently. :) I enjoyed the Happiness Project a lot, I keep wanting to go back and read it again. I even have sticky tabs in it for parts I wanted to remember.

  3. OMG, The Deathly Hallows gave me a major book hangover too! I actually still have no re read that one because of that exact reason but I'm hoping to this year! BAHAHA... I love that you keep books in the drawers of my dresser; so do I! I thought I was the only one but at this point any place will do, lol.

    1. LOL I thought I was alone in the books in dresser thing. :)

  4. I actually buy ebooks of books I own. This way I can keep the book in perfect condition on my shelf, and have the convenience of the ereader. Great survey!

  5. Chrystal I'm definitely a new follower or more specifically a subscriber :D

    I bought The Happiness Project but yet to read it but I love the sound of it, I'm going through some hard time and I thought that I'd try this book.

    Twilight and the HP series is also what made me go back to being a book worm, glad that these series were also life changing in your book reading life :)

    I'm yet to read The Woman in White but loved the movie, oh so scary as it's so old school and the old horror movies look much scarier in my eyes LOL I do have a beautifully covered cloth covered The Woman in White, can't wait to read it.

    And damn, I've been reading this survey for days now and didn't find any Coke drinker, but the last 3 blogs I've read just then are all Coke drinkers, thank goodness I thought I was the only Coke drinker in the book blogging world LOL

    A-Z Survey

    1. Angelica - I hope you enjoy The Happiness Project. I found some great things inside. I'm thinking about re-reading it or at least looking at the pages I put sticky tabs on. :)

      We seem to have a lot in common. Thanks for following... off to check out your answers now.


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