Thursday, July 11, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 4

Tthanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here.

Day 4: What's the last book you flung across the room?

Good question. I don't think I've ever thrown a book out of frustration or annoyance. I don't think I've ever dared to do anything like that to a book. I can see how easy it would be to throw one in frustration with a character or just because you cannot get into a book. Am I weird for not having thrown a book before? Am I alone in this?



  1. Chrystal your definitely NOT alone in never having thrown a book but I answered the question figuratively speaking, the books that I wanted to throw LOL

    Day 4 Book Blogger Challenge

    1. I just can't think of one I'd wanted to throw, though I am sure in the past there have been some.


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