Monday, July 22, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 15

A big thanks to April from Good Books Good Wine for hosting. Check it out here

Day 15: Who are your book blogging mentors?

I have a few bloggers that I look up to for different reasons.

First the ones who say what they mean and mean what they say:

Parajunkee's View
Bookish Brunette

The ones who read an eclectic mix of books and inspire me to continue with my love of random genres instead of being stuck in one genre forever:

Giraffe Days
About Happy Books
Book'd Out

And those who have wonderfully designed blogs that I adore and wish I had thought of it first:

Pure Imagination
Nose Graze
A Novel Idea


  1. Oh, I was so surprised to find Book'd Out listed here - thank you! That is so sweet - you made my day!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. I don't always comment on your blog, but I always love seeing what you are reading and it inspires me to get back to reading a bigger mix of genres. :)


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