Friday, August 31, 2012

The Scoop for September & Apologies

Some personal stuff.... skip this if you don't want to hear about weddings and medical stuff.

Okay many of my close blogging friends know that I'm getting married September 29th and now ALL of my blogging friends will know. My posting will be sporadic throughout the month. August was full on review/blog mode and I have lots set up for October, but September I decided to play low key and post when I have time. I apologize now for the lack of content that will be on my blog, but I have to concentrate my efforts on the wedding since it's only 30 days away now and I have a lot to get done between now and then.

Here is a sneak peak at my centerpieces - I'm kind of in love with them and happy that my sister and I were able to make them perfect. We are getting married at a conservation area outside so the bird theme fits perfectly. My dress even has an accent of flowers and pink feathers on the hip and my headpiece is a flower with feathers. It's going to be wonderful.

And on another note - my family has been going through quite a lot lately in regards to health. My Mom is not well and hasn't been for some time. A few of you know this and many do not. I'm not getting into details, but it's been a very trying year for my family. And to top it off I've recently been ill myself.... doctors can't figure out why the things are happening to me, but they are working hard at getting me healthy again. Two weeks ago I was in the hospital and then got better, but yesterday my levels crashed and I'm back on medication, so we will see what happens next. This is also why my posting may not be completely on schedule. I'm kind freaking out a little because it's so close to the wedding day. At this point I don't even care if everything comes together as long as Greg and I get to say our I DO's on the 29th of September and that we are together. Nothing else really matters.

love tweet love


  1. It's crunch time! This will be me next year. I can only image how much wedding planning must cut in on blogging/reading time. Sorry to hear about you and your family's health problems. No apology necessary . All that matters is that you get better and are able to enjoy your special day to the fullest. *hugs* :)

    1. Thanks Carmel. It is definitely crunch time - meetings with caterers, venue meetings for setup, order alcohol, dress fittings. EEK! But it is all coming together. I just need to learn to let go of control so that others can help me out - especially now, but it's a hard thing for me to do. :)

      Have you set a date for your wedding yet?


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