Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Guest Post & Deserted Island Feature: Author Elyse Mady

Weekly Feature here at Snowdrop Dreams  of Books where authors and bloggers share what five books and what five  other items they would want with them if they were ever stuck on a  deserted island and why they chose them. Some posts are serious, some  are extremely silly and some are mixture. Check back every week to see  what your favourite authors and bloggers would pick. Click here if you would like to participate.

This week we have an extra special stop on the Deserted Island feature. Author Elyse Mady has written a really great Deserted Island inspired guest post for part of The White Swan Affair blog tour.
Top 5 items you would want with you yourself were stranded in Regency England

*Toothpaste. Because Mr. Darcy isn’t going to notice my fine eyes if my teeth are fuzzy. And besides, dentistry hadn’t come anywhere near to a modern nadir yet. An ounce of prevention would definitely be worth a pound of really painful, historically accurate cure.
*Modern plumbing. Anti-siphon backing valves and u-traps don’t get enough love. But seriously, if Einstein was wrong about the whole time travel thing and I wake up tomorrow in 1810, I’m taking the technology that allows for clean water and safe disposal of human…leftovers with me. Because from all I’ve read, typoid is not the way I want to go out of this world.
*Digital Camera (hey, suspension of disbelief is in operation here) I want to take pictures of everything! Then I’m going to write the best ‘What I did on My Summer Vacation” essay evah!
*The Complete Works of Jane Austen. Do you know how much those suckers would be worth signed?
*A nice front load washer. Now don’t get me wrong. Laundry will never be one of my favourite activities. I’ll pay extra to the first person who invents the combination washer/dryer/folder/put’eraway-er. But given how much I already loathe laundry, having to boil, scrub and pound my clothes if I want fresh raiment? Uh, no. Just no.

So that’s my list. Now I’d like to know what you’d bring with you to Regency England? Cell phone? A great pair of shoes? A modern bra? One lucky commenter will win a signed copy of my new ebook “The White Swan Affair” in their choice of digital format.
 You could win a eBook from any of Elyse’s previous works 
or The White Swan Affair(open internationally)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author: 
Elyse Mady is the author of historical romances “The White Swan Affair” and “The Debutante’s Dilemma”, with Carina Press and two contemporary romances. Upcoming books include the Regency novella “The Debutante’s Desire”. She blogs at You can also find her on Twitter at @elysemady, Facebook and Goodreads. In addition to her writing commitments, Elyse also teaches film and literature at a local college. With her excellent writerly imagination, she one day dreams of topping the NY Times Bestseller’s List and reclaiming her pre-kid body without the bother of either sit-ups or the denunciation of ice-cream.


  1. Such great items to take along with you!!

    I would bring some antibiotics, soap, definitely toothpaste, digital camera is an awesome idea!

  2. An ipad loaded with all my books!

  3. Thanks for a a fun post!!!

    *shudders* I would not do well on an island w/out modern conveniences. But if we can set aside reality, I would want modern plumbing too (I can't live w/out showering and brushing my teeth daily), my Kindle fire and my dog!

    1. Ya I don't think I would do so well either, though if you were from that era you wouldn't know what you were missing out on yet. I would definitely need to be able to brush my teeth too.


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