Saturday, October 29, 2011

Witch Week Giveaway!

Okay everyone - so I've had a few reviews of Witch Books and a few sporadic posts about them as well... so now I'm going to do a giveaway for one lucky person.
If you win - you will get to pick one of the following Witchy Books! Open Internationally (wherever Book Depository ships too). Contest ends November 13th at midnight. All you have to do is let me know in the comments below: If you were a witch - what spell would be your favourite to cast? Also leave an email address so that I can contact you if you are the chosen one. (You can leave it in this format to avoided spammers - snowdropdreams(AT)gmail(DOT)com). Easy peasy right?

What are you waiting for - GO ENTER!


  1. Awesome giveaway! I would love to be able to cast a spell to freeze time. So I could keep going and get stuff done while everyone else stops for a while. I could catch up on my TBR!
    annettesspot (at) gmail(dot)com

  2. Annette - Great idea! Imagine all that could be done while others stood still. :)

  3. If I were a witch I would spell a cast of brining my grandma back to life, We share to love for books I remember growing up we went to the libary together to pick up books for her and me. I would love to talk to her about books right now. readthebooknow(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  4. I would cast a sleeping spell so nap and bedtime for my kids would go off without a hitch. Great choices! It's hard to choose. Thanks!


  5. intheskywithme - awww :) what a wonderful wish

    Margaret - LOL that is a good one too!

  6. I would love to be able to read minds.

    chelle2006 @

  7. I would cast a spell to have chores done wth a wave of my wand. No-one likes cleaning house.


  8. Hmmm I wonder if there is a teleportation spell? I would totally love to master that spell. Otherwise maybe something totally frivalous like changing my hair colour just my touching it with my finger or something. Different hair colour every day! haha

    Thanks for the giveaway! =)
    asherz86 at gmail dot com

  9. Give me zapping power, baby! Hehe, I don't really know. The options are endless. Nothing too powerful, otherwise I'll probably turn evil. :P

    I'd get 'Once A Witch' if I won!

    cc932005 at hotmail dot com

  10. I would use a spell to shapeshift, I have always wanted to try out life as a bird. :)

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!


  11. Oooh, freezing time is a good one like Annette said! Or I'd wish to conjure things I wanted! ;)

    bookcrookliza at gmail dot com

    Thanks for giveaway! <3

    Liza @ Book Crook Liza

  12. My favorite would be one which lets me know what others truly think, I guess. Though shape-shifting and time-freezing also sound quite tempting. :p
    xlacrimax at

  13. Wow there are some really great spell ideas out there. I like the one where we can conjure what we want - it could be trouble when it comes to sweets for me though. LOL

  14. great giveaway.I would want to cast a spell to heal.Or to get the winning lotto

  15. I would cast a spell to have the ability to disappear the annoying people. Or love spell to Dimitri, I will make him to love me and leave Rose.
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  16. Okay, how awesome are you? Those are some AMAZING reads there!

    If I were a witch (and, trust me, a bunch of my friends already say I *am*), I'd like powers over the elements. You know, Captain Planet style, like being able to control fire and wind and water. I think that would be exceptionally cool!

    Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway op!

    serena423 AT yahoo DOT com

  17. A healing spell is my fav, it's good to help hurry along a person's recovery from an illness

  18. I would cast a happy spell so people would be happy all the time.


  19. I'm not sure if it's already after midnight due to time zone differences, but I'll try anyway :).

    I would probably like to cast a love spell, but not the usual one. My love spell would not only be bale to make people fall in love, but what's most important, it would stop everyone from arguing and make people like each other. There would be less conflicts and everyone would respect each other :).


  20. @Morgana - What a wonderful idea! :) And its not too late where I am (still 3 hours left). Good luck!


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