Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Smart Chicks Kick It Tour 2.0 - Ottawa

wicked eh?
I had the most amazing time last night and it was all thanks to the wonderful authors on the Smart Chicks tour and the amazing bloggers that I met while in Ottawa. 

First up, dinner with Meaghan (Feeling a Little Bookish), Emilie (Emilie's Book World), Carmel (Rabid Reads) and Katherine (The Lady Critic's Library). These ladies were so much fun to talk to and hang out with and I cannot wait to meet up with them again soon. 

It was nice to meet the Kelley Armstrong, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Melissa Marr, Margret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz again (I met them last year at the Brampton event) and this year a fellow Canadian author Charles de Lint was on the panel (he has smart chicks that kick butt in his novels).  

The crowd was amazing and made up mostly of younger teens, but throw in a few parents, a few fans of Kelley Armstrong's adult series and the book bloggers and you have yourself a fun crowd. I think the younger crowd asked the most thoughtful and amazing questions.  

After some questions, games and craziness we piled into a mashed up line to get our books and swag signed. The line moved quicker than I expected even though it wound around the entire room. Check out Carmel's recap for some fun pics!  

I got my copy of Enthralled signed by all of the authors who have stories in the book. Probably my favourite book I own now. Oh and Kelley flipped through and signed the first page of her short story cool. *happy dance*

Great ladies to attend an event with!

I love living halfway between Toronto and Ottawa - I've been able to attend some amazing events and meet some amazing bloggers!


  1. So happy that you made the drive! My boyfriend's actually from K-town so we visit every couple of months to see his family and friends. I hope the drive home wasn't too brutal. Thanks for the shout out! :)

  2. Wasn't too bad getting home, but it was rough getting up for work this morning. LOL

  3. I bet! I was pretty exhausted after such a long day but it was worth it!

  4. Sounds like you guys had an awesome time. I am now following all those bloggers you mentioned. Great recap of the events. I would have loved to gone but with my son coming home on the school bus I had to be here.


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