Thursday, October 27, 2011

Review: Witches Hate Vampires by Jennifer Hampton

Publisher: self published Smashwords
Published: March 28, 2011
Pages: 56 (novella)
Received: purchased from Sony Reader Store
BUY NOW: Amazon

Tasmin McCaw is not your average human. In fact, she's Witch. She made the discovery when she was twelve. The war with Russia has become so corrupt, that it's robbed man of their humanity. Tasmin's family fall victim to the wrath of ruthless soldiers. They've come to deploy the men in her family onto the battlefield. They remove her father and only brother from their home, but that's not all they wanted. The night turns tragic when the soldiers decide to attack Tasmin and her mother. However, Tasmin's wrath is a bit more intense than the soldiers anticipated. Tasmin is an adopted child and she's a descendent from a very powerful bloodline of witches. Tasmin's power strikes tragedy on the soldiers and saves her mother.

Now, as refugees, Tasmin and her mother must flee to The Dark Coast where prosperity reigns. A place where the world is ruled by constant cloud cover. A place where Tasmin will never see the sun. The one place where rumors circulate that creatures like her walk the lands. However, Witches aren't the only creatures that roam the Dark Coast. Tasmin encounters a very arrogant and powerful Vampire named Adrian. For the first time, Tasmin's powers, her humility, and her rage will be tested. Witches hate Vampires, but Adrian has fallen in love with her. Can her feelings surpass the loathing for the one creature Witches have grown to detest?
The first thing that caught my attention was the title: WITCHES HATE VAMPIRES! What a great title. And the girl on the cover with the fiery eyes - so pretty.

This novella had a great premise of a witch and vampire becoming involved with one another and actually beginning to fall in love. Tasmin knows that as a witch she is suppose to hate vampires, but she can't help having fallen in love with one. Also, Tasmin has quite the back story that filters down into her everyday life and it affects how she looks at any man in general. The blurb above mentions that she is a descendant of a very powerful witch, but it lacks getting into much detail on that front. 

Tasmin has an uncanny ability to understand and communicate with spiders - even deadly ones. I thought this was a very quirky touch and enjoyed the interaction. You learn just little tidbits of information on most of the characters and I think that if this novella had been fleshed out into a full length novel it could actually be something interesting and I would definitely read it.

I normally do not comment on this type of thing, but in this case I just couldn't let it go. There were so many spelling and grammatical mistakes that it was a bit distracting. Though with a little polishing this could become a really amazing story.

Contact the author:
Check out her Goodreads page for the full listing of books in The Thaneaddus Chronicles
Check out her blog here


  1. The title sounds interesting, but the mention of poor grammar really puts me off.

    -Wendy from A Cupcake and a Latte: YA Reviews

  2. Wendy - Ya that is why I picked it - the title sounded promising. The story idea is great, but the grammar totally frustrated me. :(

  3. Gorgeous cover! Too bad whole editing takes away from a fabulous plot!


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