Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Tour: The Birth of Jaiden by Jennifer Malone Wright

Publisher: Jennichad Books
Published: April 1, 2011
Pages: 288
Received: from author for review/blog tour
Buy Now: Amazon

Long ago, a prophecy was foreseen. A child would be born, a child who held the power to destroy the world. Now, it is up to Alexander Lucas, a one-hundred-year-old vampire, to keep the baby girl safe from his arch enemy Malcolm. In order to save her, Alexander must raise the child as his own. Will he be able to resist his vampire tendencies to care for a human baby? With the help of the wisest of the supernatural, an organization called The Great Council, Alexander must face many battles to ensure the safety of this very special child.
The Birth of Jaiden is an inspirational story that shows us that we can choose to be good or we can choose to be evil. People are not always who or what you expect them to be.

Alex is a century old vampire, who breaks into a church every night to pray to God for the simple fact that he loathes what he has been turned into. He believes that God has a purpose for him that is greater than even he can understand, though he has his doubts from time to time. His character completely took me by surprise, as he has a conscience, believes in a higher power and has many regrets, unlike typical vampires we normally read about.

He is in search of a meaning to his life (or undead life) and he finally finds that when he finds baby Jaiden. She is the one thing that could destroy the world. She needs to be surrounded by love and have guidance to grow up and use her powers for good. Alex finally has someone to love and a reason for being. He must keep her safe with the help of The Great Council.

There are so many amazing characters in this book: Isabella, a young witch who is stronger than even she realizes; Danielle, a guardian angel who is earthbound; Victoria, a crotchety old hag of a witch who really does have a heart buried deep beneath all that crankiness and Levine, an evil vampire queen who pushes the envelope when it comes to being crazy.

This book is full of emotion and action packed. Can a bunch of misfits (angels, vampires, witches, slayers and humans) beat the ultimate evil in order to save the fate of a little girl?
Where did the idea for The Birth of Jaiden come from?
The very first inkling of an idea came as the vision of a vampire finding a baby in a dumpster. From there, I wrote a few pages and then it evolved. What is in the book now is actually completely different from what I first wrote when I had the idea.

Have you always had a fascination with the paranormal? Which paranormal being is your favourite to read/write/learn about?
I think I have always had some kind of fascination with the paranormal. When I was young, my friends and I would spend time at the library looking up information on ghosts and aliens. For a while when I was young I had an obsession with aliens, I don’t know why.
My favorite paranormal being has always been the vampire. Right now I’m doing a lot of research on types of vampires and children of vampires, and I am really enjoying it.

Who was your favourite character to write about? Were they inspired by anyone in your life?
My favorite character is Deanna. She was not inspired by anyone I know, but rather, someone I wish I could be. She is beautiful, fiery, strong, and strong willed. I love her character and if you read the book, you can probably see that in my writing, sometimes I had to remember this wasn’t her story. lol

If you could choose one character from the novel to be your best friend, who would you choose and why? 
I would choose Damion, if I had to choose only one. Damion may be a dark angel, but he is super funny and would protect me no matter what. He is loyal to those he loves and wouldn’t let anything hurt them.

Who was the biggest influence in your writing career? And why?
This is a hard one for me because I am inspired and influenced by so much. I’m going to say that other than books I’ve read growing up, that I’ve been most influenced by the members of my writing forum, The Accentuate Writers Forum. I’ve been there since 2008 and since then I have learned so much about the craft. But, also, I have watched others grow in their careers, I have watched others succeed, I have made great friends who are like a little online family too. I could go on all day about AWF, but it boils down to the fact that I don’t think I would have learned and still be learning as much as I have and am without them.

What is your favourite genre to write? Do you find one genre easier to write than another?
My favorite genre is definitely paranormal. I think what I love most about writing stuff that has people with powers and supernatural abilities is that there aren’t as many restrictions to where you can go with the story. I really don’t think I find one easier to write than the other, I just enjoy the paranormal genre better.

The story is left in a position that it could indeed be a standalone or a series. Will there be more to come for the characters? I would love to know more about Alex, Jaiden, Isabella and Deanna.
Yes! I am shooting for three books. The second one is a little less than half done and waiting for me to come back to it. I’ve been distracted by another series right now but I’m going to be working on it soon!
About the author:
Jennifer Malone Wright is an author, freelance writer, mother of five and military wife. Jennifer has a wide variety of articles published online. Find more information on them in the writing section.

Jennifer has taken time off from writing articles to concentrate on writing fiction. She has recently finished her first novel and is diligently working on the second in the series. Her new Novel "The Birth of Jaiden" has finally been released and is available in all formats. 

Please take a look around her website and blog to find out more about Jennifer and her writing.

Jennifer has graciously offered up two giveaways for this blog tour. 
1) an ebook copy of The Birth of Jaiden (International)
2) a swag pack (US/Canada Only)
Contest ends October 21st (the last day of the blog tour) at midnight. 
For your chance to win fill out the form below:


  1. Ooh, this one sounds gooooood! Has a bit of a Gaiman/Graveyard Book feel about it, but sounds as if it goes even more in-depth with the characterizations. Yup, definitely adding this one to my TBR pile!


  2. @Lori - I really enjoyed it and can't wait for book two!

  3. I like the sound of this book and am ready to read it.


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