Sunday, August 21, 2011

IMM (51)

In My Mailbox is a regular feature created by the fantabulous Kristi at The Story SirenThis is where we share the great reads we have either bought, won, received for review or borrowed from the library. 

I purchased these two books at a thrift store - both in great condition and only $3 each. 
I haven't read Vampire Kisses Series yet, but it looks like I can get away with reading this without having read the previous (or so I hope) - the cover for The Coffin Club is creepy and it has a matte finish that I love).

Purchased this from the used book store by my work. She always holds titles she thinks I'll love.


I borrowed this one from the library as I am doing a guest post on Zombies in September and I've been just trying to fit this in somewhere and now I have the chance. I read a short story involving these characters in The New Dead Anthology and loved them - so this is a must read for me.


  1. Loved, Loved, Loved Rot & Ruin. And just finished Dust & Decay -- these books just capture me for some reason. Will post my D&D review sometime this week. Get to it! Read that one.

  2. I borrowed Rot and Ruin from the library the other day. Hoping to get to it next week. I hope you enjoy!

  3. I am so excited for Rot and Ruin. It's been on my wishlist forever! :)

    Annette - I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for your review. And I will be reading Rot and Ruin next weekend. *sigh* I have an ARC I need to read first for a blog tour, though I really want to read R&R now. LOL

  4. Brides Farewell looks interesting. How nice to have a relationship with a bookstore owner who looks out for books you may like! You must be a good customer!

  5. Hi Shirley! I'm there a few times a week whether browsing during my lunch hour or trading books back for new ones. She knows me well enough to suggest new authors based on the books I trade back. :)

  6. I really want Rot and Ruin, and The Bride's Farewell is amazing!

    My Mailbox

  7. Oh good to know about The Bride's Farewell. :) And I'm really looking forward to Rot & Ruin!

  8. Great books. I am waiting for Rot & ruin to come in at my library. Enjoy

  9. There's nothing like a matte finish to get a book off a shelf! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoy my Self Publishing Spotlight feature, the next one will be up on 1st September.


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