Saturday, August 6, 2011


So now that my blogoversary party has ended, I'm trying to do some much needed updating on the blog - hence my absence. I'm actually pretty excited about the things that are happening in the next few weeks. Mostly I'm trying to catch up on my reading pile, but I've also been cooking up an exciting new challenge and changing up some things.

1. Created fun new reading challenge (to be announced mid-August) - it will run from Sept 1, 2011 til August 31, 2012
2. Registered for my own domain name - just waiting for the okay to start using it.
3. Participating in some very cool blog tours.
4. Working on some new graphics (my normal program decided to quit working so using a new one - it's been challenging).
5. Organizing my review books so that I can get back on track. (This sample is great - my BFF sent it to me).
6. Created a Facebook account for my blog - Snowdrop Dreams of Books

1 comment:

I read every comment and try to reply to them all. Thanks for visiting my little piece of the blogosphere.

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