Monday, July 11, 2011

1st Blogoversary

I cannot believe that it's been one year already! It feels much shorter than that. To be honest I feel like I'm still learning SO much and have so much further to go with my blog. 

I would have to say that I owe a lot to my family, friends, fellow bloggers and authors for all of the support they have shown me right from the beginning. It means a lot to me that so many people care about something as passionately as I do - whether it be just being a good listener while I babble on about the great books I've read or the posts I want to write, to encouraging me with constructive criticism. I thank you all so very much for being with me every step of the way.

Okay, so now that I got all the mushy stuff out of the way we can get onto the exciting posts and amazing giveaways!

From today until the end of the month I will be featuring some posts about my favourite things in blogging so far and hosting some pretty sweet giveaways. I hope you will all take the time to pop back during the month to check out the fun.



  1. Happy Blogoversary! I just had my 1st last month. Can't wait to see what's in store!

  2. Happy Blogoversary Crystal!!! I'll be seeing you again Saturday :D

  3. Thanks Cass! :)

    @Mel - Thank you! Sadly, I won't be making it to the signing. :( But I am sure we will meet up again at another book event soon. :)


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