Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring Into Summer Read-A-Thon Finish Line

Many things came up this weekend that interrupted the reading challenge for me... including a kids birthday party that last hours longer than expected and a surprise date night. So in the end I had a great weekend, but reading wise not so accomplished. I hope to at least finish my first book tomorrow. I should have some time now to read and I'd like to be finished this current read by Sunday night.

1. First of all, give us an end-of-read-a-thon status update. Books read, pages read, you know the drill!
Okay, I did not make it very far at all in the read-a-thon. I only accomplished reading 37 pages. *sigh*
2. What is your favorite book you read during the read-a-thon?
 I've only worked on reading one book and it was Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston (ARC).
3. Did you participate in any mini-challenges? Which ones?
Sadly I didn't have time to try any mini-challenges.
4. Which mini-challenge was your favorite?
5. What has been your favorite thing about the read-a-thon?
Unknown - didn't get to really participate as much as I wanted to.
6. Are you satisfied with how much reading you got done? Did you do more than you expected? Less?
Not at all. I had planned to read two books, but didn't even get halfway through one.
7. What did you think of the updates? Too close together? Didn't like the time limit?
It looks like they were a lot of fun and I don't think they were too close together.
8. If you could change one thing about the read-a-thon, what would it be?
9. Would you participate in another read-a-thon hosted by Squeaky Books? Why or why not? (Again, I won't cry if you say "no")
Yes - and hopefully it will coincide with a free weekend for me (this one was supposed to be nice and quiet, but turned out crazy busy). 
10. Any last comments on the read-a-thon?
Looks like it was a lot of fun and I hope to praticipate again in the future.


  1. I planned to have a free day on Friday for the read-a-thon, but it didn't turn out that way, so I completely understand! It sounds as though you still had a lot of fun, though! :)

  2. I did and also I think by reading how the Read-A-Thon worked, I will know what to expect next time around. :)


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