Sunday, April 24, 2011

IMM (34)

In My Mailbox is a regular feature over at the sensational and awesome The Story Siren.

I stopped by Chapters on Wednesday night to pick up a journal/planner type thing and found that they had marked down a ton of stock and then had 50% the reduced prices. Honestly, I could have come out of there with armloads of books (escpecially the YA section), but I limited myself to just a few and picked up a few for my BFF Aislynn as well.
So my deals were all marked down to $2 each and then they were 50% off and I had a discount card for anther 10% off - each book actually cost me 90 CENTS! (oh and all the books listed below are the HARDCOVER versions) I may just have to go back and see what else is there even though my bookcases are overflowing and I have a MILLION books in my TBR pile already. *sigh*

The Robe of Skulls: The First Tale from the Five Kingdoms (Tales from the Five Kingdoms)Memoirs of a Teenage AmnesiacWhat I Was: A Novel


  1. Ahhh! Is the sale still on? Not that I need to buy anymore books hahaha. Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac looks so good! Let us know what you think! :) -C

  2. I'm not sure if it was just the store here in Kingston, or if it was company wide. You should check it out anyway. It was a great deal. I might pop back in this week to see if they marked any more down. :)

  3. Wow, I'll have to go to my local Chapter to see if a sale is going on!

  4. Yay for great deals at Chapters! I think my sister has Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac but I still haven't read it...

    Anyways, feel better soon Chrystal and enjoy reading your new novels! :)


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