Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Contemporary Romance

I haven't really been reading very much in the contemporary romance genre and I think this year I would like to change that. It's not that I don't like this type of romance novel - it's just that I got sucked into the paranromal romance genre and YA lately. 

So I decided to use Romance Week as a way to go back and find some of the contemporary books that I have missed out on and here is the list that I have come up with that I feel I must go back and read. Any comments on these books from my fellow book bloggers or any suggestions for good contemporary romances are greatly appreciated.

I actually had to look up the definition for contemporary romance as I felt that some books are classified incorrectly... so here is the definition to make it easier to explain contemps. 

Contemporary romance is a subgenre of romance novels, generally with the setting after World War II. The largest of the romance novel subgenres, contemporary romance novels are set in the time when they were written. Most contemporary romance novels contain elements that date the books, and the majority of them eventually become irrelevant to more modern readers and go out of print. -Wikipedia

A Wild Affair: A Novel Maybe This Time Dear John


  1. I love books from Simone Elkeles. She writes strong romances with amazing plot, you should try it if you haven't already.
    And today I finnished reading Jenny Downham's You against me and it was wonderful :) I LOVE contemporary romance as much as I do paranormal romance.

  2. Have you read 'Anna and the French Kiss' by Stephanie Perkins? It's well wroth the hype it's gotten.

    Sarah Dessen's books are always amazing... I especially like 'The Truth About Forever' and 'Along for the Ride'

    'Amy and Roger's Epic Detour' by Morgan Matson was very good

    'Perfect You' by Elizabeth Scott

    I tend to like books that aren't ALL about the romance, but have a strong romantic plot in them.

  3. @Judit - thank you for the recommendations!

    @Ashley - I am looking forward to Anna and the French Kiss and I have a few Sarah Dessen books in my TBR pile. :)


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