Friday, February 4, 2011

Book Blogger Hop & Friday Follow | Current Read & Recommendation

Book Blogger Hop

 "What are you reading now and why are you reading it?"
I'm currently reading Blue by Lou Aronica - it's for a blog tour I am participating in and my post and review should be up on February 18th. I've had this book for a while, but for some reason kept putting it off over and over again. And for some unknown reason I am having a hard time getting into it. I don't dislike it, I just can't get into it right now. I only have a short time to get it read and reviewed though so I am picking away at it in smaller sections. 

What is the book you are currently 'pushing'? (Pushing mean trying to get people to read it)

I actually have two that I am really about recommending to other readers. A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler and The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa. Both are amazing stories, but from totally different YA genres.


  1. I'm visiting from the blog hop. Love your header!

  2. I'm a new follower!

  3. Your photos are lovely! Also blog hopping and pleased I came here and found you to follow.

  4. I'm a new follower from the hop. I love photography too. I'm looking forward to following you. Happy Friday!


  5. Hi There!
    Happy Friday to you! Good choices that you are suggesting! I have to admit that the downside of these blog tours are occasionally you have to read a book in a short time span that just isn't working for you at that point. I hate that also! Cause then what do you say about the book in review??
    Keep warm!

    Barb at Sugarbeat's Books

    Valentine's Giveaway

  6. Thanks! Ya I am not so sure about blog tours for self-published books anymore. I've been getting lots of requests for them and I've been turning some down as I have a huge TBR pile for reivew and for personal. *sigh* I like the book at least - I think it's just that I am not in the mood for that genre right now. LOL

  7. I am currently trying to get people to read Demons are a girls best friend.. come check out my blog

    Outhouse Reviews
    have a great weekend

  8. Good answer! The answer on my book blog is a little embarassing; it’s a book that’s been sitting on my TBR pile for a year.

    To my shame, I only opened the book because I remember it contained an Amazon gift card.

    All the sordid details on my book blog –

    Hop on over!

    Howard Sherman

  9. Hey! Stopping by for follow Friday
    Happy reading and have a great weekend!

  10. Hopping through. I love Julie Kagawa's books!
    My Hop

  11. Hopping by to say have a great weekend!


  12. Stopping by for the Hop; I'm a new follower. I haven't read Julie Kagawa's books, but I've heard such great things about them, I put them on my TBR list. Have a great weekend!

  13. Hello! I'm hopping by via the hop!! You've got a nice layout here! It's kind of relaxing, haha!

    I've never heard of the YA novels that you're "pushing". I'm not a big Young Adult fan, but I do read SOME. I may check these out!

    I'm a new follower! I look forward to seeing more posts on your blog! Hope to see you around!

    Stephany @

  14. Hi! just stopping by via the hop. Thought I'd say hello :)

    I like your blog and I am your newest follower!

    And the plot thickens...

  15. Just stopping by via the blog hop!

  16. @Stuck Between The Pages - why thank you.

  17. Hey Chrystal, just stopping by on the hop and follow. I'm a new follower.
    I'm currently reading Master of Smoke by Angela Knight.
    Happy Reading!!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous


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