Monday, December 20, 2010

Author Interview: Julian Vaughan - The Adventures of Annie Marmalade

Julian Vaughan Hampton is an author of adult & children's fiction, freelancer, poetry, commentary, and a screenwriter. His screenplays range from thrillers and crime dramas to animation and family dramas. He has published three books, each receiving rave reviews. Julian has reviewed books for The Midwest Book Review and Vaughanworks Review. His appearances include television interviews, national radio interviews, and more than 20 book signings. 

Is The Adventures of Annie Marmalade your first children's book?
This is my first children's book, but there are definitely more to come. I've probably had more fun writing the story than Annie had in the book.

I'm glad to see that there are more to come. What type of stories do you have plans for if you you write more children's books?
I do have some plans for more children's books. Besides thinking of other sweet adventures for Annie, I have ideas for new characters and new lessons.

Sounds like you were remembering what it was like as a child. What age group did you intend for it to be aimed at?
The book was intended for the age range of 8 to 14, but it can be enjoyed by the whole family. Adults and children can both identify with the characters.

Do you prefer writing for kids or adults more? Why?
I don't really have a preference. I just love to write. The great thing about writing for kids is that you can focus on the exciting parts of the story. Kids want to be engaged through the entire story, so it makes the stories fun to write. It also allows me to teach life lessons buried deep within the story. With adults, I can focus on adult themes and challenges. The characters can have intricate back stories that allow the reader to connect with them.

What inspired you to write this story? How did you come up with the idea of a girl with magical candy making powers?
I loved the idea of having a character so unassuming becoming the hero of the story. I also wanted Annie to have a gift that was both powerful and cute. Her magical candy making powers are really Annie connecting her gift and her creative imagination. I loved games like Candy Cane Lane and movies like Willy Wonka, but the real inspiration was adventure movies. I felt the literary world was ready for a new type of hero.
Describe your book in five words.
I would describe it as a "recipe for a great adventure".
Did you always think you would become a writer? Who inspired you?
I didn't think that I would become a writer. Writing found me. I've always enjoyed telling stories, so it was something that was in me all the time. From my parents, to other authors, I've been inspired by each person that has touched my life. 

Sounds like you had quite a few people to inspire you and guide you. What words of wisdom would you give to aspiring authors?
I would tell aspiring authors to just write. It doesn't matter what they write, how much they write, what time they write, or why they write. Once they put something down on paper, they have done more than many who are satisfied dreaming. 

What is the best way to order a copy of Annie Marmalade?
The Adventures of Annie Marmalade": Quest for the Ronji Crystal can be purchased from Barnes &,,, and many other sites.

Julian - it has been a pleasure reading your amazingly creative book and working on this interview with you. Good luck with your future endeavours and I look forward to reading more about Annie and her candy filled adventures. 

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