Sunday, October 31, 2010

Review: Ghost Trackers by Chris Gudgeon

Ghost Trackers: The Unreal World of Ghosts, Ghost-Hunting, and the Paranormal
Written by Chris Gudgeon & CCI Entertainment
Paperback | 80 Pages | Ages 9+
ISBN 9780887769504
Received: Tundra Books via LibraryThing for honest review
 Inspired by the hit television series “Ghost Trackers,” this ghastly tome invites readers to explore the mysteries that haunt us all. In the world of Ghost Trackers, kids who are interested in ghosts and the paranormal search for answers to the questions we all have about the afterlife. Full of stories of sightings, both ancient and recent, and information about becoming a ghost tracker, this book demands to be read and shared. After all, who knows if ghosts are evidence of life after death or if they are simply a natural occurrence we are yet to understand?

I have always been interested in ghosts, paranormal activity and the like, so this book was right up my alley. It is extremely well written for the age group it is intended for. The book is based on a TV series and you can check it out at Ghost Trackers.

The author has nicely split up the book into chapters discussing the history of ghosts and ghost hunting, the science behind proving if ghosts are real or hoaxes, some really great examples of hauntings and a how to sectoin on tracking ghosts yourself.

I would have to say after reading about the different types of ghosts I would never want to meet up with a poltergeist, they sound very mean and nasty. Though I wouldn't be upset to meet a helpful ghost like the one mentioned in the coal miner story - the ghost appeared to a miner, who then followed it to another tunnel to try and see who or what it was, and once in the new tunnel the one he was in collapsed behind him and he would have died had it not been for the helpful ghost who lured him out of the doomed tunnel.

There are chapters on the supplies and equipment you would need to track ghosts and the safest way to do so.  There are tips and tricks, but I would assume watching the TV show would show you better how to use the equipment as the book just tells you about the equipment and not how to actually use any of it.

I really liked how there were references to search on the internet to watch videos of the stories mentioned. The following is the video for the Argentina Ghost Swings. Do you believe it or is it a hoax?

Overall, I enjoyed the book very much and believe that the target audience would enjoy reading through the different sections to understand more about ghosts and where to find them.

1 comment:

  1. I love ghosty things, I will have to check this out! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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